- SHAVE the area to be treated within 24 hours of your procedure.
- Very Important: The area to be treated cannot be tan or sunburned.
- Avoid exfoliation, skin irritants and astringents for 2-3 days prior to your procedure. This includes Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Avita, and Alpha Hydroxy acids.
- Wear sunscreen with zinc or titanium during any sun exposure for the course of your treatment. Self tanners and tanning beds are not to be used during the treatment period.
- NO waxing, tweezing, depilatory agents, electrolysis, hair bleaching or self tanners for one month prior to treatment or during the entire treatment course.
- On the areas to be treated, remove all deodorant, makeup, powders, creams and perfumes prior to the procedure.
- If you get frequent cold sores and are having hair removal on your face, please notify the person performing your treatment.